Introduction to the Community of Inquiry (COI) Framework

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This course will provide an overview of how social, cognitive, and teaching presences can be used to create meaningful collaborative and constructivist learning experiences. Examples of COI- inspired instructional strategies will be covered and an activity sheet is provided in the course for you to have a go at integrating COI in your course.


Intended Audience

  • All instructors new to SMU
  • Instructors keen on engaging students by creating a deep and meaningful (collaborative-constructivist) learning experience through the development of three interdependent elements – social, cognitive, and teaching presence.


Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • articulate the 3 three essential elements of the Community of Inquiry Framework, Cognitive, Social and Teaching presences
  • identify and implement COI-informed strategies into your course design


Additional Resources




DRTL (Essentials)
