Blended Learning @ SMU



In SMU, Blended learning is defined as a pedagogical approach that harnesses and merges the relative strengths of face-to-face and online modes of learning to create and sustain vital communities of inquiry in bringing about active learning. The former mode is commonly associated with a synchronous, oral form of communication, social interaction and collaboration opportunities, and the latter commonly associated with characteristics of asynchronous communication, self-paced, self-directed learning, and access to broader Internet-based learning opportunities. 

In essence, blended learning refers to contextually appropriate combinations of the effectiveness and socialization opportunities of the classroom with the technologically-enhanced active learning possibilities of the online environment (Dziuban, Hartman and Moskal, 2004).

Benefits of Blended Learning


Developing Future-readiness

By being familiar and adept at learning as well as communicating with others in blended learning environments in school, students will be able to acquire and apply these necessary skills required to assimilate into the new requirements of working life.

Improving Student Learning Outcomes

Research studies have found that Blended Learning approaches help students:

  1. Develop self-directed learning strategies as they go through course materials at their own pace
  2. Review and reflect
  3. Be better prepared for class to achieve intended learning outcomes.

For instance, a course is recommended to have between one-third and one half of its time online (with a focus on interactions), with students performing significantly better than students in other course designs that have less time online (Owston & York, 2018).

More flexibility for learners

The online components of blended learning would allow learners to have better control over:

Space Learning is not restricted to the seminar rooms; 
Time Learning is not restricted to formal contact hours; 

Learning is not restricted to the pace set by instructors.

Students have the flexibility of setting a schedule to accommodate their needs.

Path Learning may not restricted to the sequence of learning and content designed by instructors

Wider reach for Instructors and Students

  • Students residing outside Singapore can participate in courses. Online synchronous modalities more easily facilitates exchanges with international and local guest speakers. Students can collaborate with project sponsors and overseas group mates to leverage on their different perspectives and viewpoints.


  • Reduced travel time: For both learners and instructors, there is potential time-savings from not having to move from home/workplace to campus or from classroom to classroom within campus.
  • In addition, instructors would be able to deliver portions of the course content using recorded videos. This allows instructors to invest initial time and effort to create videos which can be used across sections over multiple terms. By digitising the expertise of several instructors or subject-matter experts, more students can be reached with high-quality content in a shorter development time, bringing about greater efficiency. The time saved can be used for instructional goals such as interactions, feedback for students or class preparation.

SMU instructors may click here to find out how to convert your course and implement it in a blended learning format.