The Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT) was started back in 1997 when the California State University Center for Distributed Learning (CSU-CDL) developed and provided free access to MERLOT ( It is a community of staff, volunteers, and members who work together in various ways to provide users of OER (Open Educational Resource) teaching and learning materials with a wealth of services and functions that can enhance their instructional experience.
On the 15th of May 2020, the AUN-TEPL Thematic Network took a significant first step forward in one of its key thrusts by signing an MOU with the Multimedia Educational Repository for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT) & SkillsCommons. This endorsement of the use of the exchange platform, MERLOT, will benefit all constituents of the AUN+3 network through enabling the sharing of digital resources developed within the network. This aforementioned ‘sharing’ refers to the ability to scan, select, use, review, endorse available digital resources as well as release self‐developed digital resources.
With this initiative, the AUN-TEPL Thematic Network aims to multiply the benefits and increase the productivity for affiliated members, as they can potentially have access to a wide repertoire of curated digital resources such as animations, online courses, instructional videos, simulations, games and presentations.
The following diagram shows a visual representation of the different roles that you as an AUN-TEPL member or affiliate could contribute to this community, as an adopter, a contributor and/or a reviewer. Supported by the university libraries and MERLOT Editorial Board, the AUN-TEPL thematic network forms an ecosystem of resource-sharing community within MERLOT.

Key Benefits
- Access curated shared resources
- Search for discipline-specific educational resources targeted at technology-enhanced personalised learning Contribute to a sharing community to build knowledge and skills
- Receive feedback and reviews to improve your resources within the AUN-TEPL community and beyond
- Enhance academic reputation by being a Peer Reviewer or one of the Editorial boards
For enquiries, please email us at auntepl [at]