Project Description
Pricing Boss is an in-class game where students take on the role of pricing managers in an airline company and attempt to set prices to attract the most customers
Throughout the game, students will be required to set prices for 2 price tiers- Discounted (For customers who book their tickets 3 months or more in advanced) and Premium (For customers who book their ticket 1 week before flight take-off.)
Instructors will maintain a list of customers who have a specific price tolerance for the 2 categories.
At the end of each round, students will be able to see the results of their pricing decisions.
Teaching Strategy
The app is primarily played by students during class time. Faculty members set up the game and students connect via their laptops. The game-play is usually completed in 15 minutes
While the game has a set database of customers, instructors can also seek input from students via a QR code that allows students to simulate customers and set their own price tolerance for the 2 pricing tiers.
When the game starts, students will be able to see the average price for each tier and set their own pricings as airline managers accordingly.
The game can also be played in competitive mode, where students will be competing for a strict pool of customers.
After each round, instructors can display the ranking (and profits) for that round. Instructors can also show an overall leaderboard for all rounds.
Instructors can also download the game results for discussions and debrief post-
Download the case and teaching note at this link.
For access to the project, please contact CTE at cte [at] smu.edu.sg