Specifying a Purpose for Research
The research gaps that you have identified in Stage 2 can help you to specify your research purpose by identifying the purpose statement and narrowing it into a research question (RQ).
Crafting your research question is an iterative process that requires a lot of refinement. You may start with broad questions, and you can gradually narrow them down as you refine your knowledge. You can try to piece together the main keywords and ideas that you used in the sourcing stage.
Tips for a Good Research Question

Here are some tips when crafting a good research question:
Narrow it down
A specific scope allows the research inquiry to be more direct, and doing this makes it easier to go in depth.
X "How does technology impact education?"
Vague focus, the question can go in many directions
√ "How do interactive whitebords impact student engagement during classes?"
Clearly identified a scope of study - interactive whiteboards
Make it open-ended
Utilise words such as "how" or "why". This prevents the research question from being a simple yes/no type of question, and allows for a more naunced exploration of the subject.
X "Does technology increase student participation in class?"
Formatted in a rhetorical manner, limits the type of response
√ "How does technology increase student participation in class?"
Encourages exploration, prompts the investigation of different aspects
- Predict what might happen in response to your inquiry and acknowledge your stand on the subject matter.
- Consider the possible counter arguments to your stand.
- Knowing your viewpoint on the inquiry also makes your research intent clearer.
Related Resources
Extra Readings
- George Mason University Writing Center. (2018). Research-based Writing. George Mason University. https://writingcenter.gmu.edu/writing-resources/research-based-writing
- Indiana University Libraries. (n.d.). Develop a Research Question. Indiana University. https://libraries.indiana.edu/sites/default/files/Develop_a_Research_Question.pdf
- Learning Resource Collaboratory. (n.d.). Writing Tips and Tricks: Developing Research Questions. The Michener Institute of Education at UHN. https://guides.hsict.library.utoronto.ca/c.php?g=723856&p=5180962
- Monash University Library. (n.d.). Developing Research Questions. Monash University https://www.monash.edu/library/help/assignments-research/developing-research-questions